2nd Motif Snowflake/Star
Wanting to design a 6 point snowflake using Bina Madden’s Celtic Picot, it worked out to be only 5 points. Original design.
Some abbrev. C.P. = Celtic Picot, ^ = very small picot, LPPR = join to Last Picot of Prev. Ring, LPPCh = join to last picot of prev. chain, [brackets] = work this ring with other shuttle, * = designates patter repeat, MR = Mock Ring. Complete chain and join into base of 1st chain forming a ring.
Size 20 thread, 2 shuttles, continuous wind
R12^1^12. SS
*Ch 6-3^1-1(leave a space to form center p) [R6-3^1—1-1^3-6.] 1-3-6+ (join to base of chain to form SCMR
Ch 8 (Celtic picot, lay a small picot gauge, or other object, behind left hand thread, go over, under and to the top, slide shuttle from left to right under the thread on back of gauge. You have done a simple overhand knot. Snug up and form next stitches, slide out gauge and adjust picot) 8 RW
R12+ (to last p of first ring) ^12. RW* Work patt. Betw. *’s for 5 pointed star. Work in ends.
Continuous thread (all chain row so about 24” on shuttle 1) join to 5th p of upper ring, . Ch 4-2-2-4+ (join into last p of MR) ch 3+ (LPPCh) 3+ (into C.P)
* 2-2+ (into other side of C.P.) 3-3+ (into 1st p of next MR) 4+ (LPPCh) 2-2-4+ (into 1st p of upper ring) Ch 6^1-1—1-1^6+ (to 5th p of same ring) Ch 4-2-2-4+ (to last p of same MR)Ch 3+ (LPPCh) 3+ (into C.P.)* work from * to * around.